- Further disclosure about the international arbitration award
- Dodatna objava o međunarodnom arbitražnom pravorijeku
- További közzététel a nemzetközi választottbíróság ítéletéről
- MOL-Croatia arbitration status
- The history of INA & MOL, 2003-2017
- UNCITRAL Tribunal: Joint Statement of the Parties Regarding Statements in the Croatian Press
- UNCITRAL Tribunal: Joint Statement Issued by the Republic of Croatia and MOL Concerning Croatia’s Application for Interim Measures
- UNCITRAL Tribunal: Decision on Croatia’s Application for Interim Measures
- MOL’s Position Paper on Negotiations about the Future of INA
- Open letter of the Management Board of INA regarding the forced sale of the company’s gas
- 2003 Shareholders Agreement (SHA)
- 2009 First Amendment to the Shareholders Agreeement (FASHA)
- Letter of consent to disclosure of the SHA and FASHA
- Gas Master Agreement (GMA)
- First Amendment to the Gas Master Agreement (FAGMA)
- Letter of consent to disclosure of the GMA and FAGMA
- Approval of the concentration between MOL and INA by the Croatian Competition Agency (AZTN)
Agreements and official documents
Agreements and official documents