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INA’s performance

INA’s performance

Since MOL took over the management control of INA in 2009, the company’s operational performance and efficiency have been vastly improved. In ten years its operating cash profit stabilised, but its debt decreased significantly. Since MOL became a strategic investor in INA, its investments have also increased  1.6 times compared to the previous decade.

Today INA is an efficient, transparent and financially strong company with ability to fully control its debt levels. This successful turnaround from a near-bankruptcy situation demonstrates MOL’s professional management of INA. While unfavourable external factors continue to weigh on INA’s certain indicators, the company is today more ready than ever to grow and continue to positively contribute to Croatian economy. Talented young Croatians have recognized these changes and today INA is one of the most desired employers of Croatia (9th place), according to the "First Choice Employer" survey conducted by the MojPosao web portal.